How to Write a Great Literature Review for your Thesis

A literature review for your thesis is the first step towards your research objectives.You should clearly follow the academic experts guideline to avoid any risk.

A literature review involves the search, examination and the evaluation of the available information and literature on the topic under study or investigation. A comprehensive literature review documents state of the art about the subject of study. In academic research, a literature review shows the reader that the researcher has the in-depth information about the area of study. It shows that the researcher has the necessary skills that will add some information to the existing body of the agreed knowledge.

Why you should write and research a perfect Literature Review for your thesis?

A perfect literature review for your thesis must provide an analytical overview of the essential sources and literature published on the topic of study. Sometimes the literature review offers familiarity with the content of study in case the audience knows more than the researcher. It enables the researcher to place one’s original script in the midst of the existing published work. In professional writing, a literature review must be well structured to ensure that the ideas flow logically and be cited appropriately. It enables the researcher to present ideas and viewpoints comprehensively without biases.

Credible academic sources should be written by experts in the topic of study, edited and confirmed by other scholars to ensure that the information contained is comprehensively researched. For the academic resources to be helpful, they must be accurate and unbiased. For instance, for the articles to be used as the credible academic resources, they must be contained in peer-reviewed journals and must be written by professional and certified academic writers. Some disciplines like philosophy tend to be more speculative than technology and other fields. Therefore, more emphasis should be given on the position of the writer within the discourse to which they write to confirm the authenticity of the source.

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