Thesis may be defined as a long piece of writing on a particular subject, it’s mainly written for higher college or university degree.In Pakistan and India, thesis writing is mostly the final year bachelor or Master degree program with 6 credit hours assigned in two semesters. Three credit hours are assigned for Synopsis or proposal writing phase and remaining 3 credit hours for final write up and defense of the thesis. This usually cover the overall degree program with focus on main subject. Candidates write their thesis on it’s own with supervisor assistance in order to pass their degree program with final review and defense in front of the internal and external reviewers.
Students of M.Phil degree are required to submit their thesis before the end of academic period or any prescribed deadline by university.
Before Writing a thesis?
You must consider following factors before writing a thesis.
- Find a topic
First of all you need to find a topic for doing research and writing on it. You may find the topic from any recent news headline or journal. If you feel that you have any topic of your interest for which you have something new to explore then you can work on that topic.You can google your topic and further narrow down to your specific interest and limitations. Your supervisor can help you as well in your topic selection but if he is not supportive then open access journals may be your best option where you can read the paper abstract and decide one specific topic.
- Research
You need to do a lot of research before giving any final views about that topic. You can take the help from literature or you can search over web for more details. There are a lots of free web platform who is especially dedicated for this purpose only. And as you read something catchy or new so just note down that in your notebook.
How to find a research gap for your Research Paper?
- Content of thesis
This is the final stage of your draft where you actually start writing your draft as learned or observed. This is the most important step of the thesis writing that you present to your university for a review.
How to write M.Phil degree thesis
10 Steps of writing a thesis
- Presentation of thesis: – thesis should be presented in such a way that it should reflect credit on student, faculty and university.
- Organization of thesis: – thesis should include three main parts as preliminary pages, text and references.
- Declaration: – thesis should include prior declaration from supervisor and thereafter a declaration by student.
- Dedication page: – this must a brief page and should not contain any number, chart or photograph.
- Acknowledgement: – students should acknowledge the assistance of various individuals and organization that helped him in producing thesis.
- Introduction: – start with the problem and define your topic and its need.
- Background:-demonstrate wider appreciation and provide motivation.
- Related work: – survey and critical evaluation related to own work and research.This chapter is also called Literature review chapter where you read previously researched work and link to your study.This will help you fin the research gap that your paper will fill.This Research gap could be filled only after reading the similar papers on the same topic.
- Assessment of own work:-state hypothesis and demonstrate your work and research, contribution and comparison with the rival.
- List of Abbreviation:Later you should include table of contents, list of tables, list of abbreviation and symbols, list of appendices and text.Text further divided in to sub headings like with quotation in text and figures in text.
- References: Finish your work with by providing references, summary & conclusion and appendix.All references must be from authentic and reliable sources such as peer reviewed academic journals,research papers and Scholarly books. Avoid using encyclopedia,Wikipedia,news sites as a reference material as they are not a reliable and trusted sources for academic papers.
Do You want us to Help you in Your thesis? Contact us and get it done as per your instructions and University rubric.
Why would the thesis for an MPhil Degree need to be proofread?
Proofreading can give you chance to revise your thesis and make a coherent content to impress your supervisors.
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