How to Write a Literature Review for Ms/PhD Level

Every piece of writing requires complete commitment and dedication. However, when it comes to write a thesis for academic purpose, it demands complete authenticity of the content and understanding of the topic. A research at doctorate level is incomplete without a ‘Literature Review’. Basically, a literature review is merely a review of any literature which is used by the author for his or her research. In simple words, for Ms./PhD level a student overviews and summarizes the main parts of someone else’s previous studies or research. Generally, a literature review is gathered from these sources:

  • Books
  • Scholarly Articles
  • International recognized Journals
  • piece of writing related to relevant research

Faulty literature review plays a key role in derailing a thesis at any level. A literature review is the backbone of any dissertation because it supports the whole thesis.

Importance of Literature Review:

  • It provides new parameters of inquiry to the author.
  • It gives a vivid image of future recommendations.
  • A strong literature review identifies the hidden gaps exist within any literature in which a student’s research attempts to address.
  • Supports Arguments.
  • It shows the gap in the previous research.
  • Sometimes justifies your ongoing research.

Features of a Perfect Literature Review

  • Unbiased
  • Accurately Referenced
  • Systematic
  • Rigorous
  • Comprehensive
  • Informative

Things to Remember for A Perfect Literature for your thesis

A literature review comprises of three parts such as Introduction, body, and conclusion. Each paragraph of the literature review should contain different theme and idea which is relevant to the main research topic. The connection between each paragraph should be clear and it should be comprehensible. After the introductory part, the second main component of the literature review is the body which should contain historical background, research aims, and methodologies. Apart from body, the conclusion is also very important in this chapter and it should deal with the gaps for future research. Besides, the conclusion should also contain arguments or disagreements of the reviewed literature. For every literature review at Ms. Or PhD level, there are few things to keep in mind which are as follows:

  • Always read the updated journals and other writing material.
  • Authenticity of the literature which is going to be reviewed should be checked.
  • In order to obtain accurate research outcomes, do compare the findings of other authors with your findings.
  • Use electronic sources to find out a journal because it provides a huge variety of authentic journals and other publications of authors.
  • Plagiarism-free content is the base of any research, literature review should be written in your own words.
  • Don’t use someone else’s expressions, ideas, and words.
  • Use inverted commas if you quote someone’s exact words or lines.
  • Always use international standard formatting style.

All in all, as an important part of any thesis, the review of the literature is very important for a research. It enhances your knowledge related to the field of your research. Everyone follows different style and rules for literature review but the above mentioned ideas will surely help the students in order to obtain good marks in their academic research.


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