Thesis Writing Samples

Check Below Few thesis Writing Samples,we have done  Years.These Papers are already approved and published so that is why we are sharing here as sample after getting permission from the Clients.

  1. Literature Review Part
  2. Legal Role of ICTY in Conflict Resolution Leading to Development of Human Rights in International Law   (OSCOLA Format)
  3. Question Answers with References
  4. Thesis Paper Methodolgy
  5. Cross sectional study of the trend of medication and complementary therapy use by travelers during flights.
  6. The impact of the combining Original Marketing Concepts on image development: A Case of Air New Zealand
  7. A Master’s Thesis about Mechanisms that Constitute the Perception of the Refugee Crisis
  8. Norwegian Muslim’s meat preferences, consumption and purchase intentions about current challanges of Norwegian sheep farmers: A way towards the sustainable Norwegian sheep farming System

Chicago Manual Style Thesis Sample

  1. The Rise of ISIS and US Policy Responses: An Analysis

(This thesis was approved and  accepted in August 2018 so that’s why we are sharing here with permission to post it as  sample)

IEEE Style Sample Thesis

  1. Engineering Thesis Chapter 2 (IEEE Format)