Can i meet my writer in person?
No. You can’t contact writer directly and we do not allow this. You and your writer both unknown to each other and we are responsible for any work related issues and this is the reason we are here to serve both parties interest.. If you have any questions then you can email your questions to the same mail where you get work. You will get all correspondence from [email protected] or [email protected]
How To Place the order with WritersPK?
You can Fill the form below to place the order.Here you will be asked about your topic and contact number with your email.
Fill the Form here
You can also call at +92 312 5334949 or email at [email protected] or contact us here to get reply within one hour
How will i assure about Plagiarism?
Turnitn is the standard of checking your paper for similarity index and plagiarism.Your paper will never be added to the turnitin Database as we will do settings so when your instructor check your paper then it should not show plagiarism against your own paper.
I still have Questions?how to contact you
You can contact us here for any questions regarding your Academic task.
Is it ethical to receive your writing Services help?
It is up to you if you need assistance or not.If you are expert in your own subject and also have wiring skills then we will recommend you write at your own and get our assistance in proofreading,editing and formatting of you paper.If you are not getting help from your supervisor,don’t have time and expertise,getting your papers rejected by supervisor or in emergency cases you can ask writersPK for assistance.
Is there a money back guarantee or Refund?
We send you chapter wise updates and proceed to next chapter once you OK the first chapter and we proceed further.There will be no refund for the work we already started and completed. We take payment in installments or 50% advance payment. Fro example if you are not satisfied with he first chapter then we will only refund the payment for the next chapters we have not started yet.We offer free modifications till the topic is not changed. We will do free revision within the topic.
In Following cases we offer you 100% refund.
Plagiarized paper more then 30%.
Topic is completely different or selected wrongfully.
Didn’t followed your required referencing style.In this case we will change the style but no refund.
We can also offer you partial refunds if you are not satisfied with the quality of work but it should be clearly justified.Grammatical mistakes or format could not be used as a justification to ask for refund.
Is there any risk involved if i hire your services?
Every enterprise is accompanied by inherent risks, and in considering our services, it’s imperative to acknowledge these potential risks prior to enlisting our support. While we are dedicated to the provision of high-caliber work, it is important to recognize that certain circumstances may arise where students encounter challenges in defending their theses, sometimes attributing this to our services.
To proactively mitigate such eventualities, we have implemented a multi-faceted approach. We ensure that you receive periodic updates on a chapter-by-chapter basis and furnish you with a comprehensive plagiarism report. This empowers you to personally scrutinize the work and engage with your supervisor for any requisite revisions or modifications.
Furthermore, our engagement model entails an initial 50% advance payment, with the remaining balance being due only upon your contentment with the initial update. It is crucial to note that even after these precautions, should the outcome of your thesis not meet the desired standard, we must clarify that we cannot be held accountable for subsequent failures or suboptimal grades. Regrettably, we do not offer refunds in cases where a thesis or course is not successfully completed.
It is essential to bear in mind that our role is confined to the provision of writing services. While we facilitate the creation of content, we are not equipped to actively participate in the defense of your thesis before academic authorities or external evaluators. Consequently, it is highly advisable to methodically engage with each chapter of the thesis and seek clarification for any inquiries that may arise.
We ardently believe in transparent collaboration and the empowerment of our clients to take an active role in their academic pursuits. Through this mutual understanding, we aspire to provide the necessary support while acknowledging the limitations of our scope of service.
Is your writing service confidential?
While placing an order with WritersPK you will be asked to provide such personal information as your name, phone number,email address and the topic. We do not distribute your personal information to the third parties. It is very important for you to know that we will contact you using only our email [email protected] or phone number +92 312 5334949.